I love bringing the outdoors in to decorate my home. A simple leaf garland can really add such a nice festive Fall touch! This is such a fun and easy craft to make that I thought I'd share with you a quick tutorial on how to make BEESWAX DIPPED LEAVES.
-Fallen Leaves
-Book to press leaves in
-Double Boiler
-Beeswax: 1-2 pounds depending on the size of your dipping pot (Available here)
-parchment paper (for work surface)
Step 1: Collect fallen leaves. While it's a bit early here for fallen leaves, they're on their way. Different trees loose their leaves at different times so the children and I collect them all season long.
Step 2. With a damp cloth, wipe collected leaves to remove any dirt.
Step 3. Press leaves between book pages and leave for at least 1 week. You can opt to skip this step and just go straight to the dipping but they do turn out better once pressed flat and dried.
Step 4. Prepare Beeswax to dip leaves in.
First you will want to find something in which to dip your leaves in. This will need to be vessel that you can dip them in fully but not a vessel that's too wide, which would require a lot of beeswax. You can use a double boiler or make one with things you have at home.
Make a double boiler with a pot of water and a container like a coffee can (the small ones are good for this), on old coffee peculator, an olive oil tin, a tin cup or a candle making pour pot. You can also forgo the double boiler and use a crock pot, the little dipper ones work good for this craft. You probably won't be able to get all the wax out of the container when you're finished so have it be something that you will designate for beeswax in the future. To make a double boiler place a canning ring in a boiling pot of water under the vessel. Bring water to boil and melt wax completely.
Step 5. Prepare work surface (to be completed while wax is melting.) Cover your work table with parchment or wax paper and find a trivet or hot pad to put your container of melted wax on.
You will want the wax to stay hot, so leave water boiling and put wax dipping pot back on stove top as often as needed.
Step 6. Begin Dipping, YAY the fun part!!! Holding the stem of the leaf, dip leaf in hot wax submerging completely (not the stem, you'll avoid that so you don't burn yourself:) and then simply pull out and let drips fall back in dipping pot. Once drips stop, set down on parchment paper to cool. Each leaf only needs to be dipped once. If you notice the wax is going on too thick, you will need to bring the wax temperature back up by putting dipping pot back on double boiler.
Step 7. Once leaves have cooled, tie leaf stems on your choice of bakers twine, ribbon or string.
Enjoy for many years to come. Dipping leaves in beeswax helps to retain the color. There are endless crafts to make with dipped leaves.
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Erinn Boitano